Boxing jagatpura Jaipur



In August 2010, the boxing section was founded, which is part of the civil section association X-FIGHT CLUB OSTRAVA (registered with the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic on 24 November 2010).
X-FIGHT CLUB OSTRAVA, o.s. was established to:
Healthy lifestyle supports (healthy lifestyle, refusal doping and drugs) and thus the development of healthy lifestyle habits, i.e prevention and fight against drug addiction among youth.
Improving physical and mental condition
maintaining a healthy body weight
Trainers from X-FIGHT CLUB OSTRAVA focus on training both men and women, how in fitness boxing and sports boxing.

Recruiting members

Recruitment for sports, fitness boxing and boxing kindergarten and school It's ongoing, you just have to make up your mind...

Recruitment of new members (sports, conditioning boxing, boxing school and kindergarten) is year round. Think carefully if you want to go to a sports club or fitness boxing and any questions that you will direct to the coach so state what kind of boxing you want to do. In our club, we also focus on physical condition, but above all, so that you can use what you learn in practice. If you are looking for something else, the coach will be happy to advise you.

Training schedule


15:45 - 16:45 hours - boxing school
17:00 – 18:10 hours - sports box
18:20 – 19:20 hours - fitness box


18:00 – 19:00 hours - circular training - orders only by phone, a one-time entrance fee of CZK 90 or CZK 80 is paid separately


4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - sports fencing with a knife, fighting with a short blade
17:10 – 18:10 hours - sports box
18:20 – 19:20 hours - fitness box


15:45 - 16:45 hours - boxing school
17:00 – 18:10 hours - sports box
18:20 – 19:20 hours - fitness box

Price list

Single entry fee

is paid before training (boxing school, fitness boxing, sports fencing knife, short blade combat)

CZK 80 for under 15s
CZK 90 for under 18s
CZK 100 for over 18s

Monthly entrance fee

it is always paid at the beginning of the calendar month for the given month

500 CZK - boxing school
600 CZK for under 15s (fitness boxing)
CZK 700 for under 18s (fitness box)
cannot be paid monthly - over 18 years (fitness boxing)

Season ticket for 10 entries

the season ticket is valid for 2 months from the date of purchase

CZK 950 (fitness box for over 18s)

Individual training

The training date is always agreed with the trainer

400 CZK

Types of training

Sports box
registered competitors, athletes

Fitness box

all those who want to box but don't want to race
classic boxing training including sparring

Sport knife fencing and short blade combat

suitable as an additional sport for boxers (sports knife fencing), or for complete beginners, develops speed, perception, ferocity, mental endurance, you can participate in competitions - for people aged 17 and over a more, the necessity of integrity, a clean criminal record, can only be paid one-time entrance fee

Boxing school

training for children from 9 to 14 years old, training focused on the basics boxing, increasing physical condition and mental resistance, integration into sports team.

Circuit Training

circuit training in various forms (e.g. boxing circuit training, classic circuit training, etc.)


Yaman Singh

Head Coach

CONTACT NO,:7229930630

email: rohanbks99@gmail.com

address:gyan vihar marg,jagatpura,Jaipur,Rajasthan 302017